DealDiveGames offers only free social casino activity, which look like real casino, but you won’t be charged anything. Here you will have no opportunity to win any kind of prizes - everything is for your entertainment only. Take into your account, that playing in a social casino doesn’t mean automatically that you win in real casinos. Due to the character of our activity, we allow only players who are 18+ y.o. Be aware: this activity may become an addiction, so please be responsible.
Our website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such sites. We also have relationships with other business partners and advertisers, but those relationships are a generally technical or content collaboration. Suppose any business partner/ or advertiser accesses any information entered by a user in this database. In that case, this fact will be disclosed to the user at the beginning of the registration process. Users who do not want their information shared by anyone other than this website, may choose not to complete the registration.
Responsible gambling
However it may be exciting and fun, gambling can cause a particular risk. For most casino players, it is an entertaining experience. But some cannot control their passion and risk becoming addicted to gaming. If you notice some gambling problems – be honest with yourself and others and look for professional assistance.